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Lily Evans Diary - Year four: Choosing is Losing


back page

Book index

Preview chapter revived memories

RoYo NOMO at page: 118-121, 189-213


version Chapters Pages Words Characters EBM-thickness checksum(excl front/back) checksum(incl front/back)
lily_evans_y4_20160529 26 346 85222 480396 19dfd5f0a4583b2a2c3106a27782b2ef
lily_evans_preview_y4 1 8 1776 9946
lily_evans_y4_20151120 26 344 85052 479272 67b9d426b38ef9a94ef2383c76dd777c
lily_evans_y4_20151115 26 337 83014 467656 24c6dae71dfec06cb7fcb34f032b44d0
lily_evans_y4_20151110 20 191 45162 253717 2cc9620b98f1abb3cc5a652c0dad7f4f
lily_evans_y4_20151020 25 337 82886 466933 69299fae31557e6f07db1d1ccfc6b299
lily_evans_y4_20151016 25 336 82220 463228 5658858cbbb6b3d404e3bb01da2cb020
lily_evans_y4_20150928 25 324 79821 449584 c66d372b56bc84e10a632151a2f39db8
lily_evans_y4_20150922 25 324 79587 448426 30e87eb08a7e0f634da58ad79c8c1a70
lily_evans_y4_20150916 25 312 76829 432627 eadd22c4ccd537f18e56074d86d2b55d
lily_evans_y4_20150915 25 308 75237 423763 e127cc56e9158a67db5b1b0b7b07648d
lily_evans_y4_20150914 25 300 73255 412657
lily_evans_y4_20150902 25 297 72507 408363 8176ecf75ec47c4c15e11fb704f97533


Most of the writing is done now. Editing tool does not detect any errors any more.
Countles times re-re-reading, removing typo's
Several times printed, still detecting typo's

TODO: Manuscript fed to grammerly
Looking for artist for the cover
Obtaining ISBN for ebook, obtaining ISBN for paperback, choosing POD-provider